Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Who is the smartest?

My hope with this post is to make you smile and lift you up. As a mom, this made me laugh and I wanted to share it with all my fellow mom's as we approach Mother's Day 2009.

I was listening to a radio program that had an author on. She was being asked about a new book she had written called The Minivan Days ( or something like that). Now, this author had written other books, she was married to a pastor who was also an author. As I listened to this, my first thoughts were...boy, this couple has it goin' on!! I think most people would think the same. Well, she was asked about the inspiration for the book and she relayed a story that made me smile and helped me realize, once again, the significance of ME. Yep. More specifically, me as a mom. Here is the cute story.

"My husband and I were in our minivan traveling with our kids. In order to keep things to a dull roar, my husband often plays little word games with them. One common thing he would do is say things like....who is the toughest? who is the fastest? Just fun little things like that. This particular time, he asked "who is the smartest?" Without any hesitation, our 8 year old son said, "Mom is!" You can imagine my posture. I was buffed up and feeling pretty good. As I glanced at my husband, I could see a bit of a dejected look on his face. After all, he was an accomplished author, a loved pastor, he had several degrees...the list could go on and on. I, the mom, was also an author but not to the degree that my husband was and I was a teacher. All those things were great but the response was so quick from our child that my husband needed to know what was behind it. So, he asked our son why he so quickly said mom. In the words of my eight year old son, " Mom is the smartest cause she always knows when I need to go potty."

Don't ya just love that? All the worldly stuff that moves our own thought process is just gone. A child responds from the heart. In his mind, his mom cares for his needs. She knows what he needs and WHEN he needs. How wonderful is that. We as moms often forget how special we are. To our children, we are the giver of life and the taker to the potty. We are the maker of pb & j's, we are the giver of baths. Scripture tells us that children are a gift from the Lord. All though it does not seem like such a great gift at times, I wanted to take this moment to remind you, that as a mom, you have been chosen by God to be His arms, His love. For a blink of an eye, we are gifted with the responsibility to be the soft place to fall for one or some of God's precious children. You are more significant that you realize, you are more loved than you realize, you are more special than you realize.....God needs you to hang in there. God needs you to run to him when you don't feel so appreciated. God needs you to keep doing the mom stuff with joy. On those days when it feels like you are small and insignificant, remember this....God chose YOU to mother His child/ren. For that alone, you deserve an Amen siste!!