Saturday, October 10, 2009

Scripture planted into my heart is invaluable!!

This blog comes after a few weeks of such great sadness. An eleven year old boy from my children's school died tragically. A few days after his death, a 16 year old boy from the high school my kids will attend died tragically. One, a practical joke gone horribly wrong. The other, a tire blow out causing the car to flip and no seat belt. So many families in my circle are involved with both these children in many ways. Both deaths seem so random. So difficult to make any kind of sense out of. Both children...good kids...just being kids. Complete accidents in the true sense of the word.

As a Christian, it is at these times that I get the most "benefit" from my belief. Because I have committed many verses to memory, the comfort that is promised from the Word becomes undeniable. (referring to James 1:21) Here is where my head goes...

Why on earth did this happen? It just does not make sense!
Scripture says..."lean not on your own understanding"

Both children appeared to be true believers. Why them?
Scripture says... being a Christian does not mean suffering will not exist.

Boy, such tragedy makes me wonder about my faith.
Scripture says..."if you falter in times of trouble, how strong is your faith!"

They were just children!
Scripture one is promised tomorrow.

I know my God is good.
How on earth can something good come from this!!??
Scripture says...for those that believe in God, He will take everything and use it for good! What satan tries to use for bad, God will take it and use it for good.

Those are just a few verses that have come to mind over the past few days. For me, they are comforting. For me, they directly answer questions I have. How is possible that those verses come to mind? (I certainly am NOT a scholar. I am just a regular girl.) Well, scripture also says that the Holy Spirit will bring forth the Word when the Word that fits the situation is needed! How cool is that! So what is next?

1. I will pray for the families of these dear children.
2. I will rejoice because they are both in the arms of their creator and in complete bliss as I type this.
3. I will pray for a hedge of protection around my dear ones.
4. Most importantly, I will continue to get to know my God because without Him, life is just too full of ups and downs to give the soul any true, lasting comfort.

Amen? Amen.