Thursday, February 19, 2009

Can you believe this! I think God asked me to start a Blog!! Crazy.

Well, as crazy as it sounds...I think I am supposed to be starting a blog. And when I say "supposed to" I mean....I think God wants me to. Who would have thought that God was in on the hip world of blogging! = 0 ) Those who know Him, know that he is everywhere so I guess He can know about blogging? Right? Anywho, reaching out to more people and sharing what God has so graciously shown me has been on my heart for sometime now. So, in I go!! Wish me luck!

I'd like to make sure that anyone (IF anyone) reading this knows I have some serious reservations about doing this. As I type, I am finding that my hands are shaking. How silly. Here are my issues with even starting this blog...
1. Am I even COOL enough to be blogging?
2. Why do I even think anyone would be interested in what I have to say?
(I think this worry is just a lie from the I will just address that later.)
3. I am thanking God for the creation of spellchecker cause He knows I will need it!
4. My biggest concern is that inflection, tone, personality, humor...often gets lost in translation when writing. My prayer is that I am always aware of that and God helps me to use words that give live, words that bring Him glory and that if anyone is confused about my intent, they realize that I ONLY WRITE FROM A PLACE OF LOVE. goes.

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