Monday, April 27, 2009

So many interruptions!!!

Ok by dear friends...this one might hurt so get your big girl pants on.

How many of us get sooooo frustrated with the numerous interruptions that plague our day? Yes, yes, we all get interrupted from our course of actions throughout the day but the kind I am speaking about is the ones from our children. Also, maybe for some, interruptions come from our husbands. In general, do you see these "calls for our attention on any given subject" as an interruption or a opportunity to show our love? Ouch. I know which one I'd say they were. Yuck. YUCK!! The time when our kids are little beings that think we are the center of everything (besides themselves of course), is so short. It really is. It may not seem like it but in reality, it is. It seems so easy, natural and quick for us to go to that place of "WHAT!!" or maybe "NOW WHAT!!" or how about "(heavy sigh) WHAT DOOOO YOU WANT?!" For me, this kind of oh-so- loving behavior seems to rear its ugly head when I am either experiencing a certain time of the month and/or when I am in the middle of something I enjoy most or in the middle of something I hate doing. Well, that kind of covers a lot of time huh. Again, yuck. What to do about this????

Well, for me, I just assumed this is how it went. The day was just about trying to get through it without killin' someone. (maybe this is overstating it a bit but you know what I mean) Keeping in mind, deep down I kind of thought, this CAN'T be how it is supposed to be. This is how I was mothered so I thought it must come to me naturally, to be this way. However, I know fellow moms who do not have this type of mothering as their example but they find themselves doing it too. I think that our natural selfishness, our core "it's all about me" ness, is what this is really all about. Oh great!! Now what!!?? Y'all know what I'm going to say...right? This is what made/makes the difference for me...

Once my walk of faith started, once I came to understand a little about what having a walk with God really looked like...what it REALLY meant, this was the turning point for me. In God's word, it is told to us in black and white, what not to do. He even tells us why we should not behave certain ways. Now, my thoughts were this....if God is describing ways that little ol' me behaves, must be others have these same issues too!'s not just me? Ok then. Also, it proves to me that God already knows my "stuff" and if he knows my "stuff" then maybe when he tells me to bring them to him cause he can help...maybe he can. I have found that our Lord....wants us to bring all that yuck to him. He can touch our hearts in places that are so raw, hurting, and hidden, with such healing powers. Some times it is a hurt that is really big. REALLY abandonment or abuse. Often it is a hurt that is so feeling as if you are a bad mom after you lose your temper for the 100th time. He has given me such grace. He has shown me that when I do this "WHAT NOW" thing to my kids, that at the root of that is really selfishness and pride. Oh...gross. I get upset when MY day is changed because a child once again needs my attention. I get mad when I am not able to complete a task from start to finish. I get frustrated and huffy when my husband interrupts MY morning cause he forgot something and now I need to bring it to him. - If you noticed, I said I or me quite a few times there. Once I started to let God love me. Once I started to understand and really believe that the Word of God was true...for me...then I was able to get at the root of what caused my crazy freak-outs whenever I was interrupted. Allowing the Lord to get at this part of my heart has made me a much better mother. Not by my own strength mind you, but by His grace. I realize how "churchy" that sounds but it is so true. I often find myself at a place of getting really frustrated with the daily grind of interruptions but now I know what to do. I immediately go to Him. I now can stop myself before I do more damage. I can love on my children during these interruptions. I can show them love and understanding. I can show them from a wee age that they matter. The fact that they need me is actually a blessing. THEY are a blessing.
Hear what I am NOT saying. I am not saying that I am great at this whole thing. Oh no. Not even close. I am better. I am more patient, more understanding, more loving. I am more content when my schedule does not go as planned. It is a process, a walk that each of us needs to go on. The freedom, the joy, the contentment is indescribable. In closing, one thing that might be happening if you find yourself frustrated by all the interruptions is your plate is too full!! Somethings have to go my dear friend. Sometimes the things that have to go are good things. Maybe great things. But now I have started on another post topic. To be continued!!

1 comment:

  1. Ugh, I am very guilty of the "WHAT??" especially with Kelsey, who appears to say, "MOM!" out of habit, LOL. I need to get better at that, stop what I am doing and just slow down...I feel like my mom was much more patient with me than I am with my own kids. I need to try harder! Good advice.
