Thursday, September 24, 2009

Actions vs. Consequences

I was reading about a terribly sad story and it really got me thinking. There was a couple that had two children and really wanted another. After 10 years of trying, the decided to do IVF (invetro-fertilization). Basically, several eggs were harvested from the mom, fertilized in a test tube and then implanted into the mom. Several eggs developed into embryos so the couple decided to freeze some and implant some. They were overjoyed to welcome a baby girl into their family from that first implantation. I can only imagine the joy! As time went on, the decided to go ahead and implant the remaining frozen embryos. (thawed out of course!) Another success! The mom was expecting! As of right now, she has about two weeks to go in this pregnancy. Sounds great right? Well, a few weeks ago, the couple received a call from the infertility clinic. By accident, the wrong embryos had been implanted into her. She was not carrying her own child (no mention of where her actual embryos ended up. That is unsettling in and of itself). As if that news was not jarring enough...the couple has to give the baby to the biological parents after it is born.
Just as I could not imagine the joy of conceiving after so long, I could not imagine the anguish they felt after hearing they had to give this baby up. Now, there is so much in that story that gets my wheels turning but this is the point that came to mind. We get to freely choose our actions. Every action we take is from our free will which is God given. Right? Right. But...we do NOT get to choose the consequences. I am not saying that the IVF was wrong or against God's word. I have some very dear friends that did that and it really is all wonderful. Praise God I was able to have three children the usual way. But, it begs the question, if we are trusting God, if we really know him to be in control and will do for us what is in our best interest, then logic says that we will have the children he ordains. IF we take that decision into our own hands, he is still the one who creates that life but we have taken control of the situation. The outcome, the consequences of our moving outside of God's plan for us, kind of changes things. We never know what the consequences will be. We can be sure that (according to scripture) "all things work together for good" but we don't know what is going to occur in our lives in order for God to kind his get all things working for good. Know what I mean? Now, I don't think any of that situation or ANY situation is a surprise to God but I do think that he simply wants us to stay in his will 'cause he knows what is best for us. He has a plan!
The next question do I know what his will is? The best answer I can think of is the more I get to know God, the more confident I am that I am operating in his will. Selah

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