Monday, February 21, 2011

The temptation of Jesus

I was so moved by a powerful lesson I recently heard on the radio.
Wow!!! Had to share.
Let's go to Luke 4: 1-13.

I will paraphrase as to what is going on (as I understand it). Just before the verses in Luke that I want to focus on, it is important to understand what had just happened. Jesus had been baptized by John, the Holy Spirit was flying around and God said he was well pleased with his son. Talk about a big day! Scripture goes on to say that Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit and was led to the desert to be tempted, by the devil, for 40 days. Good grief. Talk about a let-down, right? Jesus is filled to the brim with the amazing attributes of God...then...he has to hang out in the desert with satan. Walk with me as we break this down. Huge stuff here...huge!

The first two verses of Luke 4...
(Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the desert, [2] where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing during those days, and at the end of them he was hungry.) have a few things worth expounding on.

First, it was the Holy Spirit that did the leading. Jesus did not go there on his own. He was lead there by the HS. If someone is usually means they know where they are going...right? Well, following this logic, the Holy Spirit wanted Jesus to be tempted. Well, not wanted in the way I want an ice cream sundae, but more like....oh...kinda like the Holy Spirit lead Jesus to the desert to be tempted because He knew this is what had to be done. The temptation by satan was on the agenda. This happening was not a surprise to God or the Holy Spirit.

Second, how about the next verse that says he didn't eat anything for the entire time AND ALSO tells us he was hungry. (meaning no disrespect but...duh!) Don't you think we would assume he was hungry after not eating for 40 days? Kind of like saying the same thing over, right? Well, I think God added this so we would remember that Jesus was fully man and fully God at the same time. It is important for believers to really understand that Jesus had all the human desires, needs, wants, etc that we all do. Telling us that Christ did not eat for 40 days and he was hungry, helps us to recall the human form of our God.

One last focus on want to make regarding these verses in Luke is this....
If you think about it, the things that satan offers or tempts Jesus with are things that will happen. Scripture tells us they have happened or they are going to happen. For instance, satan takes Jesus to a high place and points out the kingdom below and says, "here, I will give this all to you". Satan again tempts Jesus by telling Him to jump from a high place. The obvious result would be Jesus dies from the fall but if He is truly the son of God, angels will save him. Well, scripture tells us that Jesus WILL eventually be the ruler of the world. Right now, it is still a fallen world and yuck happens...often. Praise God, Christ is due to come back and shaaaa...zam.... can't wait to see the wonder of THAT!! The second point, about tempting Jesus to jump or fall....scripture tells us he does fall, of sorts...actually He is crucified. His earthly form dies but rises again and because He is the son of God, He lives! So.....what is all this tempting actually about? How is satan tempting Him in these verses? Also, what on earth does this have to do with us as His followers? How can we apply this to our everyday lives?

Well, this is what I see. Jesus has the power to do whatever he wants. He is fully God. He can command the wind, the water, animals, make food fall from the sky, you name it. He could even snap his fingers and a 4 star hotel could appear right in the middle of the desert and a bell hop could wait on him hand and foot! Seriously! He could do all that. BUT...He didn't. He was tempted by satan to make His existence comfortable and perfect. He is tempted to prove himself...his worth.

Yet, He resisted. He resisted because His father had a plan. The plan had not come to fruition yet. Even though the things He was tempted with would eventually happen, He did not take matters into his own hands. Tempted as He was, He was patient. He waited. He did not get things accomplished on His own. He was about His fathers business and the proper time was important. What was the proper time? Well, whenever His dad said so.
So He waited.
He was tempted BUT he resisted....
and waited.

Having said allll that, the question is....Do we forge ahead on our own time? In our own will? Do we make things happen because we can? Or do we consult our Creator and wait on His timing?


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