Tuesday, October 16, 2012

How does God feel about his creation?

The title of this post was posed to me during a recent Sunday service at my church.  What a great question right?  How do you think God feels about his creation?

Many years ago, before my walk with Christ began, I would have said something like this...

"Uuuummmmmm....I don't know.  Uuuummmmmmm.  I think maybe he likes it?  Oooorrrrrr, maybe he's upset with it?"

As I think about this question now,  I have to say, I started to smile.  I felt myself wanting to pull a "Horshack"  (for those of us born in the 1900's, you will know this reference to Welcome Back Kotter).  Inside my lil brain I raised my hand, waving it a bit and said...OOOOoooo!  OOOooooo!  Pick me!  I know the answer!"

Who do I think I AM to dare say I know that answer to such a question?  (I am a child of God that's who! but that's another post entirely)  Let me explain.

Because of His gentle Spirits' work in my life, I approach seemingly profound questions with tons of clarity.  God has gifted me with three children and through them I am better able to consider how God sees me.  So I ask myself, how do I feel about MY creation?  How do I feel about my children?

I have a 14 yr old, a 12 yr old and a 9 yr old.  For the most part I am just trying not to kill them each day.  Seriously....I often have to debate with myself to see if the pleasure of backhanding them would be worth it.  I say this in jest partly but I think you get my meaning.  Kids are really tough.  They drain every bit of my energy, they drain my bank account, they suck the life out of me, literally (if you were a nursing mom) and figuratively.  I could go on and on.  I bet you could too if you were being honest.

HOWEVER as I thumb through pictures of my three little babies from not so long ago...I just...I just..."heavy sigh."  I think back on those days with such joy.  Such fondness.  As I watch my kids come bounding home from school and they share their day with me, as they ask me to tuck them in or fix their bedcovers...or they ask "could you make a sandwich for me.  It tastes better when you make it ma." (yes, they are being lazy but no one makes a sandwich like mama, right)....

Or how about when I overhear my child say something that I know he/she learned from me.  I think of the moments when I get an inkling that my years of devotion, hard work and love have paid off and my kids are actually getting it. Or how about when we catch siblings red handed getting along and having fun together.

Aaaahhhhh...it is so satisfying.  So joyful.  So delightful!  I love my creation.  I love my children dearly!  I would do anything for them, no matter what the cost to me.  It is important that they know I love them.  I will spend the rest of my life expressing my love to them.  I will do my best to parent them in a way that is best for them, not for me or my own gain.  They are my joy.......they are my greatest creation.  They are mine and nothing can change the love I have for them.

Let me wipe a tear.....and bring this full circle...

Let's read about how God feels about his creation.

For we are God's masterpiece Eph 2:10

In the image of God, he created them, both male and female Genesis 1:27

God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. Genesis 1:31

See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God  1 John 3:1

...God’s love has been poured out into our hearts... Romans 5:5

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers,  neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God...
Romans 8:38-39

I could go on and on but I hope you got my point.  God loves you.  You are his creation!  He adores you and delights in you just as you delight in your own children.  All he does (just like what WE do for our own babies) is based on his love, for us.  Even a fleeting moment, of realization, of his great love for you is life changing.  My prayer is that you are able to feel it.  

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