Thursday, July 9, 2009

wacky "bible thumpers"

Not so many years ago, if I would see or hear someone that -was preachin' about Jesus, raising their hands during a "Jesus" song or saying "feeling blessed" when they were asked how they were doing- as a "bible thumper". Another term you may be familiar with is "Jesus Freak", "Holy Roller", "Bible Banger"...ya know what I'm talkin' about? Please understand, I would not necessarily think bad of these people but I would kind of discount them. I would just brush them off. After all, I believed in God right? I believed that Jesus as the Son of God, He was sent to for us, I belonged to a church and I even went to it on important holidays and even just any regular ol' Sunday! I was all set. Right? I certainly had a bible in my house. (uuuummmmm, not sure where but I KNOW I had one. ......somewhere) I knew there was 10 commandment's and I knew the big ones. Don't murder, don't sleep with someones husband, ...didn't do those. The other 8? Well, they must not have been super important but I knew there were 8 more which was better than others. Right? Any of that sound familiar?

Well, in God's endless mercy and love...He took the time for me. He got my attention and set me on a life long path of learning, understanding, peace, and joy!!

Now, you might be saying...."Well that is great for you Michelle but I am just fine with the above described way of expressing my faith. I am a reserved person and don't feel the need to be over the top with my church attendance, my bible reading, etc. I am doing just fine. I believe in God and thank you very much but I'm all set."

Well, I would like to be bold. I would like you to ponder this scripture...

Revelations 3:16 says...So, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I am about to spit you out of my mouth.

This is God's words to the church, a believing church, in end times. Selah.

In closing, THIS song and "these wacky bible thumper" ( is how I feel and how I would like to worship my Creator. Enjoy.

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