Monday, June 20, 2011

What does your life boil down to?

I recently went to an estate sale. Have you ever been to an estate sale? It's kind of like a garage sale on steroids. EVERYTHING MUST GO! might be the estate sale mantra. It is my understanding that family members take what they want from the loved ones items and the remaining "stuff" is sold. Prices are usually really cheap or fairly priced. Now, this sale that I was at the other day was really awesome! VERY well organized, clearly marked prices and an actual check out area. They even had boxes for easy shopping. Wow! The items for sale filled every room in the house, the basement, the garage, the driveway and two barns on the property. There were lots of antiques, oldtiques and uniques....the basement was over flowing with perfectly organized sections of seasonal decor. One area was Easter, one Christmas, one Fall, one was even 4th of July. It really was remarkable. There was china, casual dishes, place mats, silver pieces, serving bowls, silverware, Tupperware, etc. (there was even unopened food products from the cupboards with prices on it. There was clothes, books, furniture, purses, 1/2 used salon products....there was even a plethora of those free with purchase gifts you get when you purchase make-up from the fancy department store cosmetics department. You know the ones I'm talking about. I even saw a few family portraits for sale.

Oodles of people were carefully walking through the entire home, peering in every corner, making note of the decor, the style of the carpet, wood trim, etc. People were buying things left and right. Some people were even trying to bargain with the sellers. What does this have to do with Jesus? Oooo...surely you jest!! You know how I can bring everything back to Jesus!!

As I walked through the home I could not help but feel sad. An entire life and all the "stuff" of it was out there for all to see. Even worse, the stuff was all for sale. Now, I happen to know the woman that passed away. I did not know her well but the amount that I did know her, I knew her to be kind and loving. She obviously cared for her home and took great pride in its decor and appearance. She appeared to enjoy having gatherings that involved serving meals and she LOVED decorating her home for the upcoming holiday...whatever it may have been. As I looked over table after table of items, looking for a good deal, I could not help but think about how the woman must have felt as she purchased these items that I was now considering purchasing. She was obviously a girl who enjoyed shopping the housewares section of any store. (as do I) Did she get really excited after she found just the perfect thing? Did it bring her happiness as she brought it home and enjoyed it? Did the warm fuzzy, Norman Rockwell feelings of the next family gathering last for days after the actual event or did all those good feelings fade as the event got underway? Did she enjoy the planning and decorating more than she enjoyed the actual holiday? If only her "stuff " could talk...I wonder what it would say.

I will never know the answer to that but what I do know is that Jesus always points the questions we ask about others right back at us. What would my stuff say? Do I get too wrapped up in the perfection of a gathering? Is the planning of something way more enjoyable than the actual thing? Is the anticipation of a great day the greatest part of the day? Am I truly focusing on stuff or the things that Jesus tell us is most important. In our fallen world, our enemy would have us focus on all the thing surrounding an event or just the surroundings of every day life. The relationship with the people we are supposed to be sharing our time with becomes the after thought. The best stuff takes a back seat. As I am sure you can all relate too, it is the relationships and what they lack that often leave us feeling let down. Our Lord calls us to recognize when we fall into this kind of trap. He reminds us to be sure to get back on track and re re refocus on what is important- Loving God and then loving others. Not with perfection mind you, but to the best of our ability. In my life, the closer I get to Jesus, the better I can love those that he has put in my life. I often get all wrapped up in the wrapping of my life and not the actual guts of it. Know what I mean? It's just so easy to do....I hate that!

The estate sale experience was a call for me to look at my own life and see if I need to refocus. It was also a teaching moment for my children. I had an opportunity to talk with them about making sure that their lives are not just full of stuff that ends up on the front lawn with a FOR SALE tag on it. Without a relationship with our Creator, which leads us to have loving, genuine relationships with His children, our lives can easily turn into nothing more than an estate sale. Full of things that get sold to complete strangers for low, low prices.

So, this post is a call to make sure we are making the best of the time that the Lord has so graciously given us. It is the relationships that mean the most to God. Our relationship with Him. Our relationship with others. Be careful to not let the trappings of life trap you into focusing on the wrong elements of life. Blessings.

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