This comes from Paul and his first letter to his peeps, the people of Corinth. He says to them...
"do you not know that your body is a [a]temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from [b]God, and that you are not your own? 20 For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body." 1 Cor. 6:19-20
Now, I think many of us have heard this verse or at the very least know that the bible tells us our body is a holy temple. Am I right? As I think back to when my walk with God began, I think I recall knowing of this verse.
Please allow me to expound on this amazing verse. First of all, it is important to understand the word "temple" from a Jewish, Old Testament perspective. The temple was the holiest place on earth. It was a building designed by God, where God himself would dwell. The people of God, were instructed by God, as to HOW to construct this holy place. Within this temple was an even holier place....aptly named, the Holy of Holies. Not very creative but you certainly get the point right?! This was the actual "box" that God was going to be contained in when he wanted to dwell with his people. I know, I know...sounds super weird but its scripture and lots of things are hard to wrap ones brain around.
Lets continue.
Now Paul was telling the Corinthians that their bodies (all believers in Jesus) are now that temple. In the Greek language they use two words in stead of our one for temple. They would say, temple-hieron to mean the entire temple structure. When they were speaking of JUST the Holy of Holies they would say, temple-naos. It is this word, naos that Paul uses in the verse 1 Cor. 6:19-20. Did I lose ya?
Paul is letting us know that as believers, we get to have the actual God of the universe dwell inside of us....Hang out IN US! Now, I don't know about you but that shuts me down! (in a good way that is). It causes me to just sit and think about it. Ponder the very idea of it. I know the concept, I believe it but do I KNOW it. Do I really understand the significants of it? The verse goes on to say that we need to "glorify God with our body." This is where the painful part comes in...
Am I glorifying God with my body? To glorify means to reveal. Do I reveal who God is with my body. Not just my actual body...meaning eating right, not abusing my body, taking care of myself....but revealing Him with my entire being. This means my words and actions too. Am I revealing God and all His wonder with how I act and what I say? Can the world see something different in me? Does the world say, "there is just something different about Michelle" or do I just blend in with everyone else? I so want to....I so want to.
As a Christian, I am aware of all this. The general concepts are probably not new to anyone reading this. But, as for this girl, I sooo need a refresher more often than I care to admit. (no one ever said Christianity was going to be easy!)
Selah. Blessings!
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